There’s a two-way relationship between talking about science and doing it. The talks and seminars we host in our rooms at the Royal Institution give our researchers the chance to crystallise their ideas, and to test them out on friends, colleagues and future collaborators.i

  • Living with AI

    5 Jun 2024

    The future of AI

    Journalists from MIT Technology Review discuss some of the risks and opportunities around AI and how the magazine will be covering them.

  • Organising genius: scientific progress and global cooperation

    Conferences21 May

    Organising genius

    We are hosting a half-day symposium for scientists, innovators and policymakers to debate the framework within which genius flourishes.

  • London Gravity Meeting

    Seminars28 Feb

    London Gravity Meeting

    Researchers working on all aspects of gravity, from gravitational waves to black holes, discuss the latest developments in their field.

  • Seminars26 Feb

    HoloUK 2

    Experts in holography, gravity and quantum systems discuss advances in our knowledge of quantum field theory and black hole physics.

  • Lectures12 Feb

    A monstrous talent

    In the inaugural Simon Norton Lecture, Prof. Peter Cameron celebrates the mathematician's achievements and talks about Norton algebras.

  • Dinners26 Jan

    St Scholastica’s Feast

    We hold an annual formal dinner in our rooms, to mark the anniversary of our founding and affirm our belief in the importance of community.

  • Seminars16 Nov 2023

    London Gravity Meeting

    Researchers working on all aspects of gravity, from gravitational waves to black holes, discuss recent developments in the field.

  • Lectures1 Nov 2023

    Listening to maths

    The luthier Robert Brewer Young explains the geometry of the violin, with musical accompaniment on two violins made by Stradivari himself.

  • Seminars27 Sep 2023

    Launching HoloUK

    Experts in holography, gravity and quantum systems discuss advances in our knowledge of conformal field theories and holographic complexity.

  • Workshops24–25 Aug 2023


    The London Institute hosts a two-day workshop for theorists to discuss and explore the links between data science, AI and pure mathematics.

  • Workshops25 Jul 2023

    Converging futures

    The London Institute brings together experts from the worlds of finance and AI to discuss the potential and the pitfalls of AI-driven markets.

  • Seminars3 Jul 2023

    Connected counting

    Number theorists gather at the London Institute to discuss cutting-edge research and present their latest work in this branch of mathematics.

  • Lecture theatre14 Jun 2023

    Nuclear Now

    The UK premiere of Oliver Stone’s new film, Nuclear Now, takes place in the Lecture Theatre, followed by an interview with the director.

  • Workshops1 Jun 2023

    Towards fluid computing

    The London Institute hosts a workshop on the Navier-Stokes millennium-prize problem and its connection to fluid computing and machine learning.

  • Seminars29 Mar 2023

    Bounding Zaremba

    Prof. Ilya Shkredov discusses Zaremba’s elegant 1971 conjecture in the theory of continued fractions, and explores the bounds relating to it.

  • LonTI Lecture13 Mar 2023

    Geometry and fluxes

    Prof. Daniel Waldram introduces the formalism and tools for characterising geometries in gravitational theories, such as Calabi-Yau manifolds.

  • Ri Lecture24 Feb 2023

    A revolution in geometry

    At the Royal Institution's Friday Evening Discourse, Prof. Yang-Hui He recounts the creation of modern physics at the hands of geometry.

  • Ri Lecture8 Feb 2023

    The imagination machine

    Our Trustee Martin Reeves explores imagination at its core, rethinking previous romantic notions, asking if we can harness it systematically.

  • Symposium31 Jan 2023

    Design meets mathematics

    Designers and theorists talk about the intersection of design and mathematics in visualisation, architecture, digital design and industry.

  • LonTI Lecture30 Jan 2023

    Conformal bootstrap

    Dr Andreas Stergiou delivers an introduction to the conformal bootstrap method which is used to constrain and solve conformal field theories.

  • Seminars15 Dec 2022

    Cohomology and sequences

    The London Institute hosts guest speaker Dr Frank Neumann and the London Algebra Colloquium for their final seminar of 2022.

  • Discussions6 Dec 2022

    Spheres of influence

    The Ukrainian mathematician Prof. Maryna Viazovska, who won this year’s Fields Medal, joins us for a virtual interview and discussion.

  • Lectures5–7 Dec 2022

    Strong turbulence

    Over the course of four lectures, Prof. Alexander Migdal will present 35 years of research concerning his new approach to strong turbulence.

  • Seminars1 Dec 2022

    Evolution and Occam

    The algorithmic nature of evolution implies an exponential bias towards simpler phenotypes, explaining an observed preference for symmetry.

  • LonTI Lecture21 Nov 2022

    Black hole microstates

    Prof. Sameer Murthy talks about the thermodynamic entropy of a black hole and how to formulate it within a statistical physics foundation.

  • Lectures1 Nov 2022

    Skyrme theory at 60

    Prof. Nicholas Manton will talk about the 60-year history of Skyrme theory, as he launches his new book on the subject.

  • Seminars1 Nov 2022

    Sine-Gordon/Thirring duality

    Prof. Alessandro Torrielli talks about integrable quantum field theories and the duality between the 2D Sine-Gordon and 2D Thirring models.

  • Workshops28 Oct 2022

    AI mathematics

    The London Institute hosts a day symposium on using AI to speed up mathematical discovery, followed by a panel discussion, drinks and dinner.

  • Workshops21 Oct 2022

    Boundaries in gravity

    The London Institution hosts a one-day workshop exploring the role of timelike boundaries in the context of gravity, followed by drinks.

  • Alumni event6 Sep 2022

    Cheers, Brits and Yanks

    The London Institute welcomes MIT alumni to the Royal Institution to mark Prof. Peter Fisher’s departure as Head of Physics at MIT.

  • Discussions7 Jul 2022

    Accelerating innovation

    The London Institute and the Ditchley Foundation host an afternoon discussion and drinks on the science of innovation and how to speed it up.

  • Lectures28 Mar 2022

    Quantifying AI

    Peter Cochrane talks about how quantifying machine intelligence, distinct from biological intelligence, can quell the debate on AI’s future.

  • Ri Lecture10 Mar 2022

    Uncovering the OS of life

    Breakthroughs in cell programming are kicking off a biological analogue of the silicon revolution, allowing us to predictably engineer life.

  • Conferences10–11 Mar 2022

    Cell programming maths

    The London Institute and host a two-day international meeting to unravel the theory of cell programming at the Royal Institution.

  • LonTI Lecture21 Feb 2022

    LonTI lecture series

    During spring, the London Institute hosts weekly lectures in theoretical physics for young researchers who are interested in new fields.

  • Lectures13 Dec 2021

    Science of storytelling

    Prof. Alison Woollard explores the science of storytelling and storytelling in science—a neglected virtue in modern scientific research.

  • Ri Lecture1 Dec 2021

    Theory of Everything

    Professor Yang-Hui He tells the captivating story of the holy grail of science: the mathematical quest for a unifying theory of everything.

  • Ri Lecture26 Oct 2021

    Talking to Penrose

    Sir Roger Penrose talks about physics, philosophy and art in a conversation with Thomas Fink and Yang-Hui He in the Faraday lecture theatre.

  • Lectures27 Sep 2021

    Maths and machines

    Conrad Wolfram describes how two brothers harnessed machines to do mathematics, changing the way we think about computational thinking.

  • Alumni event22 Sep 2021

    Cheers, Brits and Yanks

    Princeton and Caltech alumni celebrate Faraday’s birthday at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, inside the Royal Institution.

  • Discussions21 Sep 2021

    In search of serendipity

    The London Institute is hosting a lunch at the Royal Institution to promote serendipity between leaders in business, finance and physics.

  • Conferences1–13 Aug 2021

    Mathematical Dialogues

    Yang-Hui He co-organises the Nankai Symposium on dialogues between mathematics and physics, with the plenary talk by Sir Roger Penrose.

  • Workshops20 Jun 2021

    Greek week

    What is the limit to human achievement? To find out, we sent a team to a Greek island for a week to immerse themselves in a single problem.

  • Workshops26 Mar 2021

    23 mathematical challenges

    A one-day symposium of physicists and mathematicians to write down a list of the 23 most important mathematical challenges of our time.

  • Lectures18 Dec 2020

    Superstrings, Calabi-Yau manifolds and machine learning

    In this in-real-life only event, Yang Hui talks about how string phenomenology has led from differential geometry to computational geometry and now to machine learning.

  • Christmas party11 Dec 2020

    Yuletide Winterfest

    The London Institute marks the year’s successes at its Yuletide Winterfest, from 4pm on Friday 11 December—if it can get the spirits out.

  • Seminars16 Sep 2020

    Mathematics of biological computation and logic

    We’re bringing mathematicians and biologists together to discuss novel techniques for modelling cell biology on Wednesday, 16th September.

  • Symposium7 Aug 2020

    Reprogramming the cell

    Physicists and biologists discuss theoretical models of cell programming and reprogramming, shaped by experimental innovations at Bit Bio.

  • Symposium25 Mar 2020

    Modelling in biology

    Scientists discuss the potential of mathematical modelling in biology across problems in cell programming, immunology and gene regulation.

  • Seminars30 Jan 2020

    Modelling collective human behaviour

    Mathematicians and social scientists discuss quantitative models of group dynamics and emergent behaviour on 30 Jan from 6:30. All welcome.

  • Science of Business29 Oct 2019

    Science of Business IV

    A dinner and discussion about collective imagination, strategies for acting on multiple timescales and how to respond to distant threats.

  • LIMS Lecture Theatre2 Sep 2019

    Making sure Skynet behaves itself

    Marc Warner talks about how we should manage the safety of embedded artificial intelligence both individually and on a collective scale.

  • Science of Business28 May 2019

    Science of Business III

    A dinner and discussion about speeding up innovation, forecasting technological change and the collective action problem in climate change.

  • Christmas party11 Dec 2018

    Christmas party goes crackers

    The Institute’s Christmas Party continued into the small hours as members served their local delicacies and held a Meccano competition.

  • Science of Business29 Oct 2018

    Science of Business II

    A dinner and discussion about commitment and flexibility, acting on multiple timescales and learning and forgetting in the age of AI.

  • 4 Jul 2018

    Independence Day BBQ

    Thomas Fink barbeques a Texan lunch in the popular seminar room fireplace as the London Institute celebrates American Independence Day.

  • Science of Business22 May 2018

    Science of Business I

    A dinner and discussion about applying principles from evolution and ecology to seemingly intractable problems in business and politics.

  • Lectures25 Jan 2018

    The future of blockchain

    Scientists and businessmen discuss the use of blockchain technologies across cryptocurrencies, commerce and the analysis of private data.

  • Seminars25 Jan 2018

    Ransomware and blockchain

    Leaders in intelligence, defence, business and academia discuss the technology behind ransomware and the cryptocurrencies that fund it.

  • Seminars5 Dec 2017

    Neuroscience and artificial intelligence

    Physicists and neuroscientists and discuss how artificial neural networks can shed light on the working of their biological counterparts.

  • Seminars7 Mar 2016

    Pure mathematics meets mathematical physics

    Charles Epstein talks about the longstanding fractious but fruitful relationship between pure mathematics and mathematical physics.

  • Seminars28 Oct 2015

    Ponytail physics

    Robin Ball talks about a theoretical model of fibers in which their elasticity and curliness produce the characteristic shape of a ponytail.

  • Seminars27 May 2015

    Evolution of technology

    Doyne Farmer talks about what technology is and how it evolves and our improving ability to forecast technological change into the future.

  • Seminars22 Apr 2015

    Multifractal finance

    Tiziana Di Matteo talks about the interdependence of multifractal financial time series and a new way to understand and forecast them.

  • Grand Tour of Science23 Mar 2015

    The science of information

    Mark Girolami talks about how information, inference and data analysis drives the digital revolution in part 7 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Grand Tour of Science16 Mar 2015

    High energy physics

    Neil Lambert talks about subatomic particles and the elusive search for a theory of everything in part 6 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Lectures9 Mar 2015

    DNA and the human genome

    Brian Sutton talks about the path to understanding life, molecular biology and synthetic biology in part 5 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Grand Tour of Science2 Mar 2015

    Quantum theory

    Chris Pickard talks about how Nature’s mysterious non-determinism is captured by quantum mechanics in part 4 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Seminars11 Feb 2015

    Dynamics of correlated novelties

    Vittorio Loreto talks about the dynamics of correlated novelties in the evolution of biological systems, human society and technology.

  • Grand Tour of Science9 Feb 2015

    Relativity and the universe

    Andrew Green talks about the theory of relativity, cosmology and the structure of the universe in part 3 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Grand Tour of Science2 Feb 2015

    Revolutions in mathematics

    Thomas Fink talks about radical new mathematical developments that set the stage for modern physics in part 2 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • Grand Tour of Science26 Jan 2015

    Classical quantitative science

    Robert Farr talks about the emergence of science from astronomy and the rise of classical physics in part 1 of our Grand Tour of Science.

  • LIMS Lecture Theatre28 Aug 2014

    Unraveling the chain fountain

    John Biggins talks about how he solved the mystery of the chain fountain, in which a chain spontaneously leaps up as it flows out of a jar.

  • LIMS Lecture Theatre10 Dec 2013

    Calculation and creativity

    Thomas Fink talks about physicists’ inner drive to systematize the world around them and the role of imagination in building theories.

  • Science and Society12 Sep 2012

    The Minority Game

    Anthonius Coolen talks about a game of motorways, bars and financial markets solved by the statistical mechanics of disordered systems.

  • Science and Society12 Jun 2012

    Fractal structures and architecture

    Rob Farr talks about the physics of architecture and how self-similar mechanical structures can make seemingly impossible designs a reality.

  • Conferences11 Apr 2012

    Cyberspace network security

    A two-day workshop funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research on computational topology, game semantics and network security.

  • Conferences26 Jan 2011

    Ecology, physics and finance

    A lunchtime symposium of physicists and financiers on banking ecosystems, financial risk and the building blocks of economic complexity.