HoloUK 2
1 PM, 26 Feb 2024
Experts in holography, gravity and quantum systems discuss advances in our knowledge of quantum field theory and black hole physics.
The holographic principle is an approach to describing quantum gravity in the bulk in terms of the corresponding quantum field theory on the boundary. Originally this principle was formulated as AdS/CFT correspondence between string theory in anti-de Sitter spaces (AdS) and 4-dimensional conformal field theories (CFT). Nowadays, it is applied in a much wider context as a powerful toolkit for studying strongly coupled quantum field theories. Recently, quantum information measures such as entanglement entropy, for example, have begun to play an important role in understanding fundamental features of the holographic principle, such as the emergence of spacetime and quantum properties of black holes.
This event is the second meeting of the HoloUK network, which is kindly supported by Fundamental Physics UK. It brings together a UK-based community of experts in holography, gravity, and quantum systems to discuss recent advances in our understanding of conformal field theories and black hole physics. The aim is to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and collaborate at the forefront of discovery.
Event information
The event takes place on Monday 26 February at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, which is located on the second floor of the Royal Institution. Enjoy a coffee and chat from 13:00, before being seated in Tyndall’s Parlour for talks to start at 14:00. There will be a drinks reception at the end of the day in the Old Post Room.
- 13:00 Arrival & Coffee
- 14:00 Dr Gabriel Wong: 3d gravity from an ensemble of approximate CFTs
- 15:00 Coffee & discussion
- 16:00 Dr Matthew Dodelson: Black hole bulk-cone singularities
- 17:00 Drinks reception


Dr Gabriel Wong is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford’s Mathematical Institute. He completed his PhD at the University of Virginia with Profs. Diana Vaman and Israel Klich. His work focuses on entanglement entropy and edge modes in topological string theory.

Dr Matthew Dodelson is a postdoctoral researcher at CERN. He did his PhD at the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Prof. Eva Silverstein. He is interested in black holes and string theory, particularly issues related to the AdS/CFT correspondence.