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  • Arnold & Landau
  • On AI-driven discovery

    Papers5 Jul

    On AI-driven discovery

    The journal Nature Reviews Physics accepts the paper “A triumvirate of AI driven theoretical discovery” by our Fellow Yang-Hui He.

  • ArXiv semantic search

    News4 Jul

    ArXiv semantic search

    Our new tool lets you search 2.5 million arXiv papers using natural language to find papers similar to your own or to any text you enter.

  • A&L Junior Fellow

    People1 Jul

    A&L Junior Fellow

    Dr Arman Sarikyan is our new Landau Junior Research Fellow. His research focuses on links between birational geometry and derived categories.

  • Landau meets Kauffman

    Papers26 Jun

    Landau meets Kauffman

    Insights from number theory suggest a new way to solve the critical Kauffman model, giving new bounds on the number and length of attractors.

  • Peculiar betas tamed

    Papers26 Jun

    Peculiar betas tamed

    The journal Physical Review D accepts “First-order formalism for β functions in bosonic sigma models...” by Oleksandr Gamayun and coauthors.

  • Papers25 Jun

    A kicked polaron

    The journal SciPost Physics accepts “One-dimensional Fermi polaron after a kick” by our Arnold Fellow, Oleksandr Gamayun, and his coauthor.

  • Papers25 Jun

    On AI-driven discovery

    Reviewing progress in the field of AI-assisted discovery for maths and theoretical physics reveals a triumvirate of different approaches.

  • Papers19 Jun

    Slight degenerations

    Tools commonly used to investigate the geometry of a system of sparse polynomial equations are extended to include many important new cases.

  • Papers18 Jun

    Multiplicative loops

    The journal Physical Review Research accepts the paper “Exact behavior of the critical Kauffman model with connectivity one” by Thomas Fink.

  • Press11 Jun

    Beyond politics

    Russia's brain drain is Britain’s gain. Yet the pursuit of knowledge, through global scientific collaboration, should transcend politics.

  • Papers6 Jun

    Landau meets Kauffman

    Journal of Physics A accepts “Insights from number theory into the critical Kauffman model with connectivity one” by F. Sheldon and T. Fink.

  • Events5 Jun

    Living with AI

    Journalists from MIT Technology Review discuss some of the risks and opportunities around AI and how the magazine will be covering them.

  • Papers31 May

    Triangulating polytopes

    Machine learning generates desirable triangulations of geometric objects that are required for Calabi-Yau compactification in string theory.

  • Events21 May

    Organising genius

    We are hosting a half-day symposium for scientists, innovators and policymakers to debate the framework within which genius flourishes.

  • Papers16 May

    Non-reciprocal breather

    Producing the first examples of breathing solitons in one-dimensional non-reciprocal media allows their propagation dynamics to be analysed.

  • Press14 May

    Conjuring conjectures

    In a Nature World View piece, our director Thomas Fink argues that mathematics is an ideal testing ground for AI-assisted discovery.

  • News7 May

    Revolutionary innovation

    At the Milken Institute Global Conference, our director Thomas Fink talks about the rewards and structures that incentivise discovery.

  • Papers4 May

    Clifford invariants by ML

    Coxeter transformations for root diagrams of simply-laced Lie groups are exhaustively computed then machine learned to very high accuracy.

  • Papers24 Apr

    Clifford invariants by ML

    Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras accepts “Machine Learning Clifford invariants of ADE Coxeter elements” by Yang-Hui He and coauthors.

  • Papers15 Apr

    Counting free fermions

    A link between the statistical properties of free fermions in one dimension when either half- or alternating- states are initially occupied.

  • Press15 Apr

    Talking is thinking

    Talking engages robust muscles of thought—not least when mathematicians take their problems to the blackboard, argues Thomas Hodgkinson.

  • Papers3 Apr

    PCM in arbitrary fields

    The first exact solution for the vacuum state of an asymptotically free QFT in a general external field found for the Principal Chiral Model.

  • Website28 Mar

    Soft power

    Our new soft power page catalogues all we do that doesn’t directly concern research and fundraising, such as our voice, website and building.

  • Papers28 Mar

    A kicked polaron

    Modelling the final state of a mobile impurity particle immersed in a one-dimensional quantum fluid after the abrupt application of a force.

  • Press20 Mar

    Congratulations, Sasha

    Congratulations to Oleksandr Gamayun and coauthors, whose paper in Nature extends research on solitons that began in a 19th century canal.

  • Papers20 Mar

    Strange kinks

    A new non-linear mechanical metamaterial can sustain topological solitons, robust solitary waves that could have exciting applications.

  • Press18 Mar

    Creative convergence

    The advertising guru Graham Fink waxes lyrical about equations and working with the London Institute on the How Do You Feel Today? podcast.

  • Press16 Mar

    Let's talk about science

    For its 225th birthday, our writer Thomas Hodgkinson hails the Royal Institution as proof of the vital importance of science communication.

  • Papers8 Mar

    PCM in arbitrary fields

    The journal Physical Review Letters accepts “Large-N principal chiral model in arbitrary external fields” by Evgeny Sobko and coauthors.

  • Press5 Mar

    Elliptic curve mystery

    Quanta reports on work by Yang-Hui He, who co-discovered unexpected patterns in a property related to the curves’ integer roots using AI.

  • Press29 Feb

    Geometry’s dominion

    Following his popular Discourse, Yang-Hui He joins writer Madeleine Hall to talk about the mysteries of geometry on the Ri Science podcast.

  • People26 Feb

    Assistant to the director

    Justine Crean is the assistant to the director at LIMS. She helps manage our scientists and staff and coordinate the Institute’s activities.

  • Jobs22 Feb

    Chief graphic designer

    The London Institute is recruiting a world-class graphic designer to visualise our mathematical discoveries and enhance our visual identity.

  • Press20 Feb

    Security and freedom

    A Bloomberg piece names our Arnold and Landau Fellowships as one of the few programmes offering help to Russian and Ukrainian scientists.

  • Papers13 Feb

    Elliptic curve murmurations

    Certain properties of the bivariate cubic equations used to prove Fermat’s last theorem exhibit flocking patterns, machine learning reveals.

  • Events12 Feb

    A monstrous talent

    In the inaugural Simon Norton Lecture, Prof. Peter Cameron celebrates the mathematician's achievements and talks about Norton algebras.

  • Website12 Feb

    Content types

    We revised our content types page, which describes the building blocks of our site, and added new building blocks, such as jobs and rituals.

  • Events9 Feb

    London Gravity Meeting

    Researchers working on all aspects of gravity, from gravitational waves to black holes, discuss the latest developments in their field.

  • Jobs9 Feb

    A&L Junior Fellowships

    The London Institute recruited Arman Sarikyan as an Landau Junior Fellow, one of a few we are recruiting this year. He starts on 1 July 2024.

  • Papers7 Feb

    Computing Sasakians

    Topological quantities for the Calabi-Yau link construction of G2 manifolds are computed and machine learnt with high performance scores.

  • Jobs2 Feb

    Finance director

    The London Institute is hiring a full-time finance director to help us take our financial health and capacity for growth to the next level.

  • Press30 Jan

    AI at the Olympiad

    Can AI do maths? In three separate publications, our scientists comment on the latest advances by the researchers at Google DeepMind.

  • People29 Jan

    Chief science writer

    Ananyo Bhattacharya is the chief science writer at LIMS. He writes about our research and our institute in the science and mainstream press.

  • Events26 Jan

    St Scholastica’s Feast

    We hold an annual formal dinner in our rooms, to mark the anniversary of our founding and affirm our belief in the importance of community.

  • Website25 Jan


    Our new Jobs page shows the jobs we are recruiting for and those we have filled, and introduces our standard template for job descriptions.

  • Papers22 Jan

    Strange kinks

    The journal Nature accepts the paper “Non-reciprocal topological solitons in active metamaterials” by Oleksandr Gamayun and coauthors.

  • Papers22 Jan

    Peculiar betas tamed

    Inconsistencies between two approaches to deriving beta functions in two-dimensional sigma models are resolved by adding heavy superpartners.

  • Jobs17 Jan

    Assistant to the director

    Working with Attic Recruitment, the London Institute recruited Justine Crean as the assistant to the director. She starts on 26 February.

  • Papers16 Jan

    Computing Sasakians

    Physics Letters B accepts “Machine learning Sasakian and G2 topology on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds” by Yang-Hui He and coauthors.

  • Papers12 Jan

    Spin-charge separation

    A transformation for spin and charge degrees of freedom in one-dimensional lattice systems allows direct access to the dynamical correlations.

  • Press11 Jan

    The art of blackboards

    In a piece in Nautilus, our scientists talk about why they prefer the 1,000-year-old technology of blackboards to their digital equivalents.

  • Press9 Jan

    A Birch for AI's back

    In a Nature correspondence, our scientists argue that, by the terms of “the Birch test” no AI has yet made a genuine mathematical discovery.

  • Jobs1 Jan

    A&L Junior Fellowships

    The London Institute is hiring four outstanding young physicists and mathematicians from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to join us in 2024.

  • Jobs1 Jan

    LIMS Junior Fellowships

    The London Institute is recruiting two outstanding physicists and mathematicians in the early stages of their career to join us in 2024.

  • Papers27 Dec 2023

    Kauffman cracked

    Surprisingly, the number of attractors in the critical Kauffman model with connectivity one grows exponentially with the size of the network.

  • Jobs20 Dec 2023

    Chief science writer

    After an extensive search, the London Institute recruited Ananyo Bhattacharya as the chief science writer. He starts on 29 January 2024.

  • Papers18 Dec 2023

    Spin-charge separation

    Physical Review A accepts “Emergence of anyonic correlations from spin and charge dynamics in one dimension” by Oleksandr Gamayun et al.

  • Papers8 Dec 2023

    PCM in arbitrary fields

    The first exact solution for the vacuum state of an asymptotically free QFT in a general external field found for the Principal Chiral Model.

  • Papers5 Dec 2023

    The limits of LLMs

    It’s a mistake to credit large language models with human levels of reason and other abilities. To use them well, we must know their limits.

  • Press5 Dec 2023

    It’s happening now

    The permanent revolution of AI means companies must do more than just adapt to the latest advance. They must become more adaptable.