The London Institute combines researchers in the mathematical sciences with staff drawn from writing, coding, design, fundraising, journalism and policy. They work closely together to make, fund and communicate fundamental breakthroughs in physics and mathematics.i
- All
- Director
- Scientists
- Staff
- Trustees
Sir Roy Anderson
Sir Roy is a LIMS Trustee, a professor of epidemiology at Imperial College and former Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Defence.
Sir John Beddington
Sir John is a LIMS Trustee and professor at Oxford, and former Government Chief Scientific Adviser. His research is on mathematical ecology.
Science writing
Ananyo Bhattacharya
Dr Bhattacharya is chief science writer at LIMS. He writes about our research and promotes our mission in the science and mainstream press.
Machine learning
Mikhail Burtsev
Dr Burtsev is a Landau AI Fellow at LIMS. His research focuses on the mathematical tools and ideas that could lead to more intelligent AI.
Graphs and networks
Guido Caldarelli
Prof. Caldarelli is an Associate Fellow at LIMS and professor of physics in Venice. He works on complex networks and statistical physics.
Algebraic geometry
Alexander Esterov
Prof. Esterov is an Arnold Fellow at LIMS. His research combines enumerative algebraic geometry, Galois theory and the geometry of polytopes.
Statistical physics
Rob Farr
Dr Farr is an Associate Fellow at LIMS and Senior Scientist at Jacobs Douwe Egberts. His research is on statistical physics and mechanics.
Software development
Andriy Fedosyeyev
Mr Fedosyeyev is the lead developer for the acclaimed LIMS website and creates algorithms and visualisation methods for research projects.
Statistical physics
Thomas Fink
Dr Fink is the Director and a Trustee of LIMS. His research is on statistical physics, combinatorics and evolvable systems.
Condensed matter theory
Oleksandr Gamayun
Dr Gamayun is an Arnold Fellow at LIMS. He works on applications of quantum field theory and mathematical physics to condensed matter theory.
Mathematical physics
Yang-Hui He
As well as a Fellow at LIMS, Prof. He is a professor of physics at the University of London. He works on string theory and machine learning.
String theory
Elli Heyes
Miss Heyes is a Visitor at LIMS and a PhD student at the University of London. Her research is on algebraic geometry and machine learning.
String theory
Edward Hirst
Dr Hirst is a Visitor at LIMS and a postdoc in physics at the University of London. His research focus is string theory and gauge theory.
Science writing
Thomas Hodgkinson
Mr Hodgkinson is a science writer at LIMS, where he writes for the press and our website. He is also a novelist, journalist, and critic.
Representation theory
Oleksandr Kosyak
Prof. Kosyak is an Arnold Fellow at LIMS and a member of the Institute of Mathematics NASU. He studies representation theory of infinite-dimensional groups.
Mathematical physics
Vyacheslav Lysov
Dr Lysov is an Arnold Fellow at LIMS. His work focuses on tropical mirror symmetry, supersymmetric localisation and asymptotic symmetries.
Sarah Myers Cornaby
Mrs Myers Cornaby is the LIMS Development Director, where she has raised funds for our Arnold and Landau posts and is growing our endowment.
Quantum field theory
Alexander Ochirov
Dr Ochirov is a Landau Research Fellow at LIMS, having previously worked in Oxford and Zurich. His research is on quantum field theory.
Martin Reeves
As well as a Trustee, Mr Reeves is Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute and works on organisation intelligence and AI-assisted discovery.
Talulah Riley
Talulah Riley is a LIMS Trustee. An actress, author and tech entrepreneur, she helps us spread the gospel of curiosity driven science.
Graphic design
Roman Rybiansky
Mr Rybiansky is the digital and print designer at LIMS and contributes to our acclaimed website. He also guides LIMS’s technology portfolio.
Algebraic geometry
Arman Sarikyan
Dr Sarikyan is a Landau Junior Research Fellow at LIMS. His research focuses on links between birational geometry and derived categories.
Number theory
Alisa Sedunova
Dr Sedunova is a Visitor at LIMS and a Simons CRM Scholar in Montréal. One of her research focuses is integral points on algebraic curves.
Statistical physics
Forrest Sheldon
Dr Sheldon is a Junior Fellow at LIMS, following a physics postdoc at Los Alamos. He works on mathematical biology and neural computing.
Number theory
Ilya Shkredov
Prof. Shkredov is an Arnold Fellow at LIMS and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He works on number theory and сombinatorics.
Quantum field theory
Evgeny Sobko
Dr Sobko is a Fellow at LIMS. His research focuses on exactly solvable models in quantum field theory and string theory.
Topological photonics
Andrei Stepanenko
Dr Stepanenko is a Landau Junior Research Fellow at LIMS. His research is on the design of quantum systems that exhibit topological effects.
Theoretical physics
Juven Wang
Dr Wang is a Fellow at LIMS. He explores many-body condensed matter, high-energy physics, quantum field theory, and quantum information.
Liz Whitby
Miss Whitby is the accountant for LIMS and its incubator LIMS Ventures. She also supports our Finance Director and Development Director.