• The Old Post Room

    The Old Post Room

    Where the mail of the Royal Institution was once sorted, our scientists now meet for a chat, a coffee and demonstrations on the blackboard.

  • Faraday’s Study

    Faraday’s Study

    This is the room in which, after a hard day in the laboratory, Michael Faraday would write up neatly the rough notes he had made earlier.

  • Bragg’s Dining Room

    Bragg’s Dining Room

    The dining room of the resident professors has played host to distinguished speakers, including Guglielmo Marconi and Lord Rutherford.

  • Tyndall’s Parlour

    Where John Tyndall relaxed and Michael Faraday read aloud from Shakespeare, we host our weekly meetings with the London Theory Institute.

  • The Rumford Room

    We have named our Director’s study the Rumford Room, in honour of the brilliant, mercurial founder of the Royal Institution, Count Rumford.

  • Davy’s Attic

    Rooms on the third floor have served as bedrooms to Sir Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, and scientists delivering the Christmas Lectures.

  • The Porter Wing

    When the Theatre blew up in 1927, it offered the chance for a rebuild—leading to the creation of these rooms on the building’s eastern side.