Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"
Image for the paper "Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation"

Structure of genetic computation


The structural and functional building blocks of gene regulatory networks correspond, which tell us how genetic computation is organised.

Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation

Submitted (2024)

T. Fink

Developing and maintaining life requires a lot of computation. This is done by gene regulatory networks. But we have little understanding of how this computation is organized. I show that there is a direct correspondence between the structural and functional building blocks of regulatory networks, which I call regulatory motifs. I derive a simple bound on the range of function that these motifs can perform, in terms of the local network structure. I prove that this range is a small fraction of all possible functions, which severely constrains global network behavior. Part of this restriction is due to redundancy in the function that regulatory motifs can achieve—there are many ways to perform the same task. Regulatory motifs help us understanding how genetic computation is organized and what it can achieve.

Submitted (2024)

T. Fink