Ultra Unification
3 PM, 16 Aug 2024
Dr Juven Wang proposes novel solutions to open problems in high-energy phenomenology via new analogies from modern ultra quantum matter.
In this seminar, Dr Wang will explore key problems in high energy theoretical physics. First, he will discuss the puzzle of why there are three families of quarks and leptons in the Standard Model. He will argue that a dimensional reduction of the Standard Model to a 2-dimensional conformal field theory with chiral central charge c-=0 mod 24 is both modular invariant and framing anomaly free. This result, he will show, is constrained by the Hirzebruch signature theorem, gravitational Chern-Simons theory, and 3 E8 quantum Hall states.
Secondly, Dr Wang will propose a new model of unification constructed from a mod 16 nonperturbative global anomaly cancellation that adds a symmetry-extended anomalous topological quantum field theory to the Standard Model. With this fresh approach to physics beyond the Standard Model, Dr Wang will address long-standing questions relating to the properties of neutrinos, the composition of Dark Matter and the cause of leptogenesis.


Dr Juven Wang is a Fellow at the London Institute. He did a PhD in theoretical physics at MIT. He was then a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study before joining Harvard University. He works on ultra quantum matter and high-energy physics, via cohomology and category theory.