Mathematical Dialogues
1 Aug 2021 – 13 Aug 2021
Yang-Hui He co-organises the Nankai Symposium on dialogues between mathematics and physics, with the plenary talk by Sir Roger Penrose.
The Chern Institute is a premiere research centre for mathematics. It is named after Prof. Shiing-Shen Chern, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, and an alumnus of Nankai University. A strong proponent for dialogues between mathematics and theoretical physics, Prof. Chern had hoped for a regular international symposium in this subject. When he died in 2004, he wished his ashes to be buried in front of the institute so that “I can hear future dialogues in mathematics,” he said.
At this symposium, 80 speakers from various disciplines in pure and applied maths will give colloquium-style talks aimed at a general mathematics audience over two weeks. The goal is to encourage mathematical dialogues across subfields. Since joining Nankai as a visiting Chair, the London Institute’s Prof. Yang-Hui He has been organising this symposium with Profs. Mo-Lin Ge and Cheng-Ming Bai, both directors of the Chern Institute. This year it will be held online. To mark the 110th anniversary of Prof. Chern’s birth, Sir Roger Penrose will deliver the public lecture, on the occasion of his own 90th birthday.


Prof. Yang-Hui He is a Fellow at the London Institute, Professor at City University, Chang-Jiang Chair at NanKai University and Lecturer at Merton College, Oxford. He studied at Princeton, Cambridge and MIT and researches string theory, algebraic geometry and machine learning.