Hochschild cohomology and spectral sequences
4 PM, 15 Dec 2022
The London Institute hosts guest speaker Dr Frank Neumann and the London Algebra Colloquium for their final seminar of 2022.
We are delighted to host the London Algebra Colloquium for their final seminar of 2022. For over seventy years, algebraists from across London and beyond have met regularly at this colloquium to discuss research and ideas in this sphere of pure mathematics.
In this talk, Frank Neumann presents the Hochschild cohomology of differential graded categories. This is a homology theory that admits the characteristic homomorphism, a natural map to the graded centre of its derived category. When interpreted as an edge homomorphism in a spectral sequence, this map can be studied systematically, enabling its application to examples in algebra, geometry, topology and physics. The framework can be extended beyond DG-categories to A-infinity-categories.
As a festive treat and at the invitation of London Institute Fellow Prof. Yang-Hui He, a regular attendee of LAC, this meeting will be held in Tyndall’s Parlour at the London Institute, on the second floor of the Royal Institution.
Previous talks given by the London Algebra Colloquium and further details about the society can be found on their website.


Dr Frank Neumann is an associate professor at the University of Leicester studying interactions between algebra, geometry and topology. He was previously a research fellow at the CRM in Barcelona and an assistant professor at the University of Göttingen in Germany.