Conformal field theories and conformal bootstrap
10:30AM, 30 Jan 2023
Dr Andreas Stergiou delivers an introduction to the conformal bootstrap method which is used to constrain and solve conformal field theories.
In particle physics, models of interactions between an endless variety of possible particles in any number of spatial dimensions can be constructed, with each situation described by its own quantum field theory. Conformal field theories are a special type of quantum field theory, in that they are scale invariant. They have key applications and provide insights in condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, quantum statistical mechanics, and string theory.
In this LonTI series, Dr Andreas Stergiou motivates the study of conformal field theory, contextualising the “old” way of studying it as endpoints of renormalisation group flows. The conformal bootstrap method is introduced, which allows for computing formulas that encode relationships between particles described by the conformal field theory. The method exploits conformal symmetries to solve for critical exponents, constraining the correlation functions. Both analytical and numerical implementations are discussed.
Event information
This is a four-part lecture series from LonTI. Lectures are on Mondays at 10:30 am in Tyndall’s Parlour at the London Institute, on the second floor of the Royal Institution, followed by drinks and snacks onsite. To register and attend, please visit


Dr Andreas Stergiou is a Royal Society University Research Fellow at King’s College London. Following his PhD at the University of California San Diego, he worked at Yale, CERN, and Los Alamos. He’s an expert on the renormalisation group, conformal and superconformal field theories.