Our papers are the official record of our discoveries. They allow others to build on and apply our work. Each one is the result of many months of research, so we make a special effort to make our papers clear, inspiring and beautiful, and publish them in leading journals.
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J. Wang
M. Burtsev
F. Sheldon
F. Caravelli
I. Shkredov
A. Stepanenko
O. Gamayun
Y. He
A. Sarikyan
A. V. Kosyak
E. Sobko
A. Esterov
A. Ochirov
M. Reeves
T. Fink
G. Caldarelli
R. Hannam
A. Coolen
O. Dahlsten
A. Mozeika
M. Bardoscia
P. Barucca
M. Rowley
I. Teimouri
F. Antenucci
A. Scala
R. Farr
A. Zegarac
S. Sebastio
B. Bollobás
F. Lafond
D. Farmer
C. Pickard
T. Reeves
J. Blundell
A. Gallagher
M. Przykucki
P. Smith
L. Pietronero
Number theory
Common energies
A polynomial criterion is obtained for a set to have a small doubling, expressed in terms of the common additive energy of its subsets.
Number theory
Multiplicativity of sets
Expanding the known multiplicative properties of large difference sets yields a new, quantitative proof on the structure of product sets.
The popularity gap
A cyclic group with small difference set has a nonzero element for which the second largest number of representations is twice the average.
Quadratic residues
Additive combinatorics sheds light on the distribution of the set of squares in the prime field, revealing a new upper bound for the number of gaps.
Representation for sum-product
A new way to estimate indices via representation theory reveals links to the sum-product phenomena and Zaremba’s conjecture in number theory.
Ungrouped machines
A new connection between continued fractions and the Bourgain–Gamburd machine reveals a girth-free variant of this widely-celebrated theorem.
Number theory
Sum-product with few primes
For a finite set of integers with few prime factors, improving the lower bound on its sum and product sets affirms the Erdös-Szemerédi conjecture.
Number theory
Higher energies
Generalising the recent Kelley–Meka result on sets avoiding arithmetic progressions of length three leads to developments in the theory of the higher energies.
Number theory
Random Chowla conjecture
The distribution of partial sums of a Steinhaus random multiplicative function, of polynomials in a given form, converges to the standard complex Gaussian.
Number theory
Bounding Zaremba’s conjecture
Using methods related to the Bourgain–Gamburd machine refines the previous bound on Zaremba’s conjecture in the theory of continued fractions.
Set additivity and growth
The additive dimension of a set, which is the size of a maximal dissociated subset, is closely connected to the rapid growth of higher sumsets.
Number theory
Energy bounds for roots
Bounds for additive energies of modular roots can be generalised and improved with tools from additive combinatorics and algebraic number theory.