1 Sep 2024
The London Institute is recruiting a new trustee to raise money, protect the Institute’s values, and enhance its profile on the global stage.
The London Institute uses mathematics to discover the laws of the universe and our place within it. But even though we’re a nonprofit research organisation, we operate with the speed and ambition of a tech firm. Being a UK charity, our long-term success is under the watch of our board of trustees. In our early years, when our scientific reputation was less established, our trustees tended to be scientists and government advisors. But now that we’ve grown in stature, we are looking for trustees with experience beyond science—especially in business, media or finance.
Above all else, trustees should believe in our core values, especially our commitment to basic science, hiring on merit and focus on simplicity. Trustees do not need a background in science. While it is not essential that they live in Britain, they should visit London often enough to keep abreast of the Institute’s activities and spend time with its scientists and staff. ❧ Trustees are appointed for two years and can be renewed if their tenure is fruitful.
Protect our core values, help us raise money, and enhance our profile on the global stage. ❧ Meet with the director from time to time to discuss strategy. ❧ Attend the majority of our three board meetings a year in person—we do not do hybrid meetings. ❧ Get to know our scientists and staff at our regular drinks and events.
London Institute
The London Institute for Mathematical Sciences is a new kind of research organisation that is dedicated to speeding up discovery. Our focus on peak performance and full-time research, and the level of support we offer our scientists, empower them to make the biggest breakthroughs. ❧ The Institute is based inside the Royal Institution in Mayfair, which lays claim to 15 Nobel prizes and the discovery of 10 chemical elements and the principles of electromagnetism. ❧ You can learn more about the London Institute at our About, Values and Opinions pages.