Autumn board meeting

At its autumn meeting, our Board discusses our application for core funding, a new Fellow, upcoming events and planning our first endowment.

Our autumn meeting of our Board of Trustees takes place in our rooms at the Royal Institution. Our Board is joined by our science writer Thomas Hodgkinson, finance director Ali Emamy and development director Sarah Myers Cornaby.

At this meeting, our main focus is our draft proposal for government core funding, which will help us grow inside the Royal Institution. This is being led by Hodgkinson, with financial projections from Emamy. Our 2021 research output, measured by our paper SNIP points, is on track to increase by 41% over 2020. Prof. Yang-Hui He joined us as a Fellow in July. Upcoming events include an interview of Sir Roger Penrose, hosted jointly with the Royal Institution, and a Caltech and Princeton alumni meeting to mark Faraday’s birthday. The Science Philanthropy Alliance has accepted us as a UK partner. With Caltech’s help, we are planning a campaign to endow a Junior Fellowship in memory of Caltech’s Tom Tombrello, one of our founding Trustees.