The campaign to fund the Arnold and Landau Fellowships is ongoing. We are continuing to accept donations towards supporting our theorists.

We launched the Arnold and Landau Fellowships in 2022. Since then, in addition to the generosity of our principal donors, we’ve been grateful for contributions from members of the public, and in particular the Andrei Sakharov Foundation. Meanwhile, the campaign continues to raise the full funding our researchers need and deserve.

Some organisations offer little support to their scientists, mistaking it for proof of efficiency. We, by contrast, aim for the high level of support given to Olympic athletes. While prioritising efficiency, we support our scientists with three types of support costs. These pay for rooms in which to focus and interact; the communication of discoveries on our website and in the press; and the equipment, software and help they need for all aspects of funding, doing and promoting research.

To contribute to the Arnold and Landau Junior Fellowships, or learn more, please email our Development Director, Sarah Myers Cornaby, at The London Institute is a registered charity, so donations can be tax-exempt.