Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"
Image for the paper "The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant"

Morse discriminant combinatorics

The rich combinatorics of the recently-computed Newton polytope of the Morse discriminant provides insights on connections between algebra, geometry and combinatorics.

The combinatorics of the Morse discriminant

Concept for Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B (2023)

A. Esterov, A. Voorhaar

Concept for Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B (2023)

A. Esterov, A. Voorhaar